
Plan ahead with moving out of state.

The move from one state to another went (relatively) smooth. We currently have the kitchen done, the living room decent, and our bedroom functional. It took a few hours spread over 2 days to load the truck. I felt good because we able to donate three bags of stuff.

There was one casualty in the move.

A moment of silence for my beloved computer desk.

I realized that we will have to get a few things for the new apartment, but none are critical.

  • Two Bar Stools: We have a dining room and a little nook where we can eat and watch some TV. Right now we’re going to eat in the living room. We’re looking for a sale at a store or used ones at a yard sale.
  • Dining Table: Our last place was too small for a table. We’re going to look at Craigslist for a used set that can fit.
  • Washer & Dryer: We saw some for $150, which is fine. We just have to see if we can meet someone with a pick-up truck.
  • Computer Desk: My husband apologized and offered to buy one. I’m going to check the ads to see if they is a deal out here.

We got the main stuff unpacked and we’re not going to stress over unpacking the rest quite yet. Our friends and family came over to help and we’re thankful.

We just got our internet service connected Monday evening, in case you were wondering what happened. I’m looking at the emails I’ve gotten and realize I need to unsubscribe to some list. I don’t care as much and I need to unclutter my inbox. I’m reviewing some receipts to see how much this move is costing us to far and I’m hoping to put up the results Wednesday.

Photo Credit: RBerteig

Laura Martinez

Laura Martinez