Photo Credit:  Ramit Sethi

I got my second tip on Ramit’s Save $1,000 in 30 Days Challenge. The tip is turn your thermostat down by 3 degrees. I’m a bit happy he brought out how you can save with a small change. Turning your themostat takes less than a minute and according to Ramit’s source it can save 10% for a 3 degree decrease. Not bad.

 We try to keep an eye out on the weather forecast to see if we need the air conditioner or heat. Our electric bill has dropped fom $125 this summer to $70 this last month from not having the air conditioning on.

Here are some more tips on cutting your electric bill from FrugalMom:



  • Replace old shower heads. According to federal regulations, new shower heads can pass no more than 2.5 gallons per minute. By replacing old shower heads with new ones, a family of four can save around 15,000 gallons of water per year, which amounts to savings of over $150 and $60 for electric and gas heated water respectively.
  • Keep the refrigerator door closed. Shut the fridge! Opening the refrigerator door accounts for $10 – $20 of a typical family’s electrical bill each year based on 40-60 openings per day.
  • Keep your refrigerator cool. A 5° F difference in room air temperature can impact your refrigerator electricity consumption by 20%. To reduce your refrigerator’s work, keep spare refrigerators or freezers in the coolest part of the house, like the basement.
  • Turn your computer off. You could be spending well over $100 per year on electricity by always leaving your computer on! Turn it off when it’s not in use.



Check out the rest of the post on cutting your electric bill.

For those keeping track , tip#1 will save $45/month and this tip will save $10/month.

Laura Martinez

Laura Martinez