Learn to evaluate your financial options

Sometimes we look for easy and quick answers to fix our problems. With many things in life, each one of us has to figure out what advice and information applies to our circumstances.brick

As I pointed out almost 2 years ago:

I just write from my personal perspective. I’m not financial expert and do not claim to be one. If you’re looking at this blog or any other for that matter to get you answers for your personal situation, then you could be apply advice that has no merit with you. It like diagnosing yourself for a disease from the web. It can be bad for your health.

If you want to learn more about money management basics and enjoy hearing it from a personal view, then please continue reading this blog and the others on my blogroll.

I love hearing other people’s ideas and if you have a story regarding a post written, then leave a comment. Bouncing ideas off of one another is a great way to seeing how situation a bit more clearly.

Personal responsibility is a huge part of getting your finances in control. Focus on one change at a time.

I love to hear from you. Please feel free to contact me anytime.

Photo Credit:  Jam Adams

Laura Martinez

Laura Martinez